Step up your chain game.
Floss. Bling. Stunt.

We're a group of chain wearing, Jesus-loving, epic mofos.We'd love for you to join our chain gang crew. All you have to do is get one of the same Jesus pieces as us and get a free membership on our website. We love adding new members to our Jesus-loving chain gang. When people see your chain game on 10, they'll respect your gangsta. There's nothing like walking into a room and turning every head. Your chain will mesmerize people like you wouldn't believe. It's a surreal experience. It's almost like they're under hypnosis. I promise you, we don't have any special chain-mesmerizing technology that we're hiding. It's weird though. People seriously seem to go into some kind of trance when they see someone wearing one of the chains we wear in our Jesus-Loving Chain Gang. I can't wait for you to experience this. The only word I can use to describe it is, amazing.
Jesus chains
24k gold chains
sterling silver
real silver
black necklaces
rainbow Jesus chains
stainless steel
turquoise chains
custom design
We love Jesus, but probably not in the way you're thinking. We are Jesus and he is us. Yes, it's the truth. You are Jesus too. Since we love Jesus, we love you buddy. If you were in our presence, you'd feel our love like you've never felt love before. We are a group of blinging loverboys. Don't descriminate, spread the love to everyone after you get your chain. You have to get the chain first so they associate the love with Jesus. We're here to spread the message that Jesus tried to spreak when he was on earth. He wanted us to know that we are him and he is us. If anyone tells you differently, they're playing games. Good thing you found us. Our jewelry will enlighten you. Once you learn the truth, you'll never go back to whatever your previous beliefs were. There's nothing like the truth and it will surely set you free. We want you to experience true freedom.
Fine Jewelry & Loving Friends
Our goal is to provide you with the finest jewelry without having to visit a brick and mortar store. Going to the store and spending hours of your time is a thing of the past. Now there are websites like ours that specialize in providing consumers with exactly what they need. All you have to do is read through our homepage and you'll know exactly what kind of chain you want. Even if you didn't know before you got to our site, you'll know exactly what you want before you leave our site. There is a small chance that you leave our site without buying a fine piece of jewelry, but it's unlikely. We have the best deals around so it would be wise to cop a chain or two, especially if they're on sale. If they're not on sale, then you will probably only want to buy one if you're the cheap type of shopper. Then after buying one, you'll be a member of our Jesus-Loving Chain Gang.
All of our members get exclusive deals and discounts. The only way to be a member is to buy a Jesus piece, obviously. Every group in the world has a requirement to join. Ours is pretty straight forward and simple. We don't charge you an annual fee or anything crazy like that. We don't charge you at all. When you buy a necklace that we recommend, you're in. Not officially, but you're in. You're not officially in until you submit a copy of your receipt and fill out our membership form. It's a short form. It only has a couple fields. The purpose of the form is so we can have your birthday, email, and address on file so you can send you something for your birthday. It also enables us to keep in touch when we have an important update to share with you. We love getting new members into our gang. We're a big brother/sisterhood of lovers. We spread our love everywhere and don't discriminate or deny anyone of this loving.
You have to be open-minded to join our crew. It's so much fun, but we don't follow the status quo of society. We follow Jesus, and that's it. Since Jesus is us, we follow us. It may seem confusing right now, but you'll get the hang of it. When you put your brand new 24k gold chain on, you'll feel the love and it'll open your mind. We don't try to push you too far. We just love hard. The more chains you buy, the harder we love you. It's like a game. Who can rock the most Jesus chains and lovethehardest.